Children’s Knit Dream of a Cardigan Pattern

As I mentioned in the adult Dream of a Cardigan Pattern, our 11 year old was hoping that she would get to keep the one I made for myself after she tried it on. I love the cardigan too much to give it up, but couldn’t resist the love for it that I saw in her eyes, too.

So, we went to Michaels to pick out what color of yarn she wanted for her own Dream of a Cardigan. She picked out this lighter blue color, that honestly, in the store I was not fond of. But, she loved it and had decided upon it. I even took her picture with several up against her shoulder so that she could see how it looked next to her. With her having more red in her hair it does impact how some colors look, but for the most part all looked good. She liked the blue the best and thought it would work well with many of the things in her wardrobe. So, the yarn was purchased and now I needed to make her one of her own.

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Crochet Half Log Cabin Dish Scrubby

Back in 2021 I posted the Crochet Quilter’s Dish Scrubby pattern, and since then I have absolutely loved using it. For me it is the perfect size for washing dishes, and I have been impressed with how well the yarns have held up to all the wear and tear. Not to mention the bright colors always makes me smile when I pick it up to do the dreaded and never ending dish washing.

Now, after two and a half years, I have been inspired to make another one based off of it. On the previous pattern I made four half log cabin blocks, and then joined them together. This pattern is just one larger block all on its own to give maximum scrubby material on two edges. A perfect edge to easily scrub off burnt or dried on food from pots and dishes.

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Crochet Heart Scrubby

This pattern has taken me too long to make. Not that actually crocheting it took that long, took me about 20 minutes for the YouTube Tutorial – and that was with all the talking! No, getting in my head how to make this pattern took so long. Years long.

After publishing my first dish scrubby trio pattern collection a lady reached out to me asking where the heart pattern was. I had to really figure out what she was referring to since there was a round pattern, and two square ones. I finally determined it was from looking at one of the images of a square one draped over a pot that she perceived it to be a heart shape. These dish scrubbies were published in 2018. From her reaching out I began thinking of making a heart shaped scrubby. So, it took years.

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Knit Summer Breeze Top

Close to twenty years ago I had a black top that had a very simple shape, wide sleeves, simple details for the edgings, and a v-neck. I loved it. I could dress it up for work, or down with a pair of jeans to run errands. Either way it was so comfortable to wear, a major plus for me.

I wore it for many years, and it was starting to show how much I loved it. With great sadness I had to get rid of it.

This summer I was thinking about what I could make to have more hand made items for my summer wardrobe, and this memory came to mind. I wanted to create something that had the comfort, versatility, and ease in styling with the simplistic design elements.

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Crochet I Wanna Dance With Somebody Dress

I Wanna Dance With Someone Crochet Dress

After making the Moondance Cardigan out of Lion Brand’s Truboo yarn, I knew I wanted to make something else with it. The yarn is so soft, silky, and keeps you cool when wearing it. I thought it would be a great fiber for a swimsuit cover up.

I wanted a design that was somewhat simple and straight forward so that it would be easy to wear. I wanted the shoulders and upper arms covered, since that is where I always burn. But I wanted the neckline a little more open since it is summer, and also for comfort when wearing swimsuits that are halter or tie at the neck. This would keep everything from being all at the same place and feeling bulky. However….

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Knit Summer in the City Top

Summer in the City Knit Top City Farmhouse Studio

Earlier this summer I was looking at my wardrobe and seeing what I needed (really wanted) to wear. Last summer I sewed several dresses that I love wearing, however they are sleeveless. Since they are sleeveless I would get cold in some of the places that were really airconditioned, and I don’t want to wear a jacket or sweater in summer. I get to wear them plenty in our Michigan winter.

So, the idea for this top came to me for adding a little more coverage and warmth for the airconditioned places. I wanted something light weight, but not so light it was see through. I also wanted something that had some design to it, but not a statement piece. Just something that was easy to wear, went with a lot, and was comfortable.

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Crochet Traveler’s Sunrise Sweater Pattern

Crochet Traveler's Sunrise Sweater by

Several years ago I was given a sweater that used to be my grandfathers. It isn’t a fancy sweater, it is one of the sweat shirts that you get at a big box store. The one that the style has been around for multiple decades. Again, nothing fancy and pretty lacking in all style and fashion. Even as basic as it is, it quickly became one of my favorites to wear since it is warm and so very comfy. It is large enough that I can layer it over something and still not feel restricted.

We had some trips coming up, and on vacation I want to be comfortable but also presentable since I know that any moment could be preserved in photos. I wondered if I could take the basic shape of my beloved sweater, add some details and style to it, and make it something that would be comfortable to travel in. But, it needed to be stylish enough to be worn out and about and not feel like I was wearing something I slept in.

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Crochet Pattern for Modern Love Scarf

Modern Love Scarf free crochet pattern by

A few weeks ago, I was out shopping with my mom when she started looking at scarves.  I told her that I could make her one, but she said “no, no, no, you are busy as it is, and you don’t need to make me anything.  I can buy one.”  Well, for once I won over my mom.  We settled on me making her one as a Christmas gift.  Here it is, December 8th and it is finished!  Hooray for not finishing it last minute!

Now the fun part of making her scarf, designing it!  Did she want a traditional scarf or a cowl, chunky or lighter weight, wide or thinner, open lace type stitches or closed, knit or crochet, wool or something else? Continue reading “Crochet Pattern for Modern Love Scarf”