Coffee House Knit Scarf Pattern

Free knitting pattern - Coffee House Scarf by

A little while ago a friend asked me to make her a scarf that was long, thick and cozy; like a blanket that you could wrap yourself up with. After playing around with stitch patterns and yarn thickness the Coffee House Knit Scarf pattern came to be.

I have always liked tuck stitch/slipped stitch patterns in knitting. They give you so much depth and texture, in addition to creating a thick and cushiony fabric that is perfect for something that you want to be warm and cozy. Continue reading “Coffee House Knit Scarf Pattern”

No More Naked Baby Dolls Crochet Clothes

Free Crochet Pattern No More Naked Dolls by

A few years ago, Red and I were out shopping at a local craft store.  Somehow, we managed to end up in the doll making aisle.  I can only guess we arrived there after looking through all the toy aisles since they are right next to each other.  On a lower shelf, perfect for a then 4-year old’s eye perspective, there were several muslin fabric dolls.  The head, body and limbs were all sewn together and stuffed.  There were no facial details or hair, but just a blank doll that you could do as you wanted.  Red immediately fell in love.  As it was only a few dollars I caved in and we bought the doll.  We also picked out a skein of yarn for me to make her a doll outfit.  Bonus – more yarn for me!

Continue reading “No More Naked Baby Dolls Crochet Clothes”

Machine Knitting Pattern for Estrela Lace Shawl

Free machine knit pattern Estrela Lace Shawl by

As I was crocheting the Calla Lily Bouquet, I started day dreaming about the reception for my sister’s wedding.  After the ceremony at the church we planned to go to a Mexican restaurant that the priest (who is Mexican) recommended.  My sister had two requirements; she required great margaritas and a Mariachi band to add to the festive ambiance.

Knowing my sister would have a strapless wedding dress, I wanted to make her something to wear in the restaurant in case it was cold.  I knew it shouldn’t be a heavy winter shawl since we would be in Texas over the summer.  Also, something too heavy of weight wouldn’t pair with the elegance of her dress.  So, I determined lace it would be.

Continue reading “Machine Knitting Pattern for Estrela Lace Shawl”

Crochet Pattern for Calla Lily Bouquet

Free crochet pattern Calla Lily Bouquet by

Toward the end of July my sister told us that she was getting married!  We were so excited since they had been together over five years and are great together.  Then, she quickly followed that by telling us that the wedding would be in just over a month, and over 1,000 miles away.

We have a family friend in Houston who is the priest that she wanted to marry them.  One of the dates he offered as a wedding date was just over a month away so she took it.  And so the wedding details started to get underway.

Continue reading “Crochet Pattern for Calla Lily Bouquet”

Waffle Scrubby Crochet Pattern

Waffle Scrubber a free crochet pattern by

In addition to the Dual Duty Scrubber and the Summer Spiral Scrubby here is the Waffle Scrubby crochet pattern.  When I still had yarn left after making the two previous scrubbies, I just kept going and made another new one since I had another idea.

This time I combined both yarns together to create a thicker and heavier scrubby.  Since I upped the weight of the yarn by combining the two I also increased the hook size by 3 letters.  Going from a H to a K hook.  This gives a nice heavy fabric, but it isn’t too stiff to be unmanageable. Continue reading “Waffle Scrubby Crochet Pattern”

Summer Spiral Scrubby Crochet Pattern

Summer Spiral Scrubber a free crochet pattern by

If you have read the blog post about my Dual Duty Scrubber here,  you know that I am in the process of making our household more dish cloths.  Instead of going out to purchase them I decided to make them (what is a better excuse to buy yarn!).

Of course, as a designer I couldn’t just stick to one pattern.  I had to get creative.  I had this idea of using the two different textures of yarn that I used in the Dual Duty in a spiraling pattern.  To create this unique pattern and texture you work each yarn for only a portion of a round, switching back and forth between the yarns you are using.  By switching back and forth between the yarns you create the spiraling pattern. Continue reading “Summer Spiral Scrubby Crochet Pattern”

Dual Duty Scrubber Crochet Pattern

Double Duty Scrubber Free Crochet Pattern by www.CityFarmhouseStudio.comA few weeks ago I was running to the store and I asked my husband if he needed anything, his response caught me a bit by surprise – “buy more dish cloths for the kitchen.”

We had several Ikea packs of dish cloths to where they had their own stack in the cabinet, so many they filled to the top of the shelf.  Also, we had several hand made crochet scrubbers that were given to us as gifts.  Over time, unbeknownst to me, they had been deemed unusable and disappeared (they were getting beyond just being called “used”).  I looked in the cabinet and we were down to 2 dish cloths.

So we needed more dish cloths. Continue reading “Dual Duty Scrubber Crochet Pattern”

Hand Knit Cabled Cowl

Hand Knit Cabled Cowl by City Farmhouse Studio

Last December I posted the machine knit version of this cowl (find it here).  I have worn the solid grey so much so I thought I would make another one, and this time with some color.

Instead of doing it on the machine I did it by hand.  I had some several trips with decent travel time so it was a great project to work on instead of socks.  It is small and easy enough to manage through car trips, airport delays, and the plane flight without being too bulky and cumbersome to carry.

Continue reading “Hand Knit Cabled Cowl”