I wear a lot of cardigans. Pretty much, if you see me “dressed” up then I have some sort of cardigan on. Being a jeans and t-shirt kind of gal, a cardigan is a way I have found to wear what I’m comfortable in and still look like a grown up.
Also, if you ever see me in a dress chances are I’m also wearing a cardigan. Since a majority of the dresses I own are sleeveless; a cardigan has been a necessity for me not to freeze during any occasion – except for outdoor weddings in the summer. Don’t ask me why I own sleeveless dresses if I’m always cold, maybe it is just a way for me to wear a cardigan.
This pattern came about from two cardigans I own that I liked different aspects of each, and the need to make one for a new sleeveless dress I’m wearing for events during this upcoming holiday season.
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