Every summer my husband and I take our 4 kids on week long family vacation. We always stay a few days with family, and then a few days being tourists in different cities. This year I wanted a pair of shoes that were comfortable to walk in through all the tourist site-seeing, but something that also was cute. I wanted something different than my usual running shoes.
I went shopping at different stores and quickly found out that the type of shoe I wanted either cost way more than I wanted to spend, or if they were around the price I wanted then they were by no means comfortable since there was barely anything to them.
From previously seeing that there were shoe patterns crocheted on flip flops for bases I figured I could make me a pair to be what I wanted for vacation. Luckily Dollar Tree had a large inventory of flip flops for $1, I had some Lion Brand 24/7 Cotton in my stash; so with little investment I was ready to try making me a pair of shoes.
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