Crochet Zipper Join

This method of joining panels together has become one of our favorites. It isn’t the quickest method to use, but with results that give you a flat, sturdy, and refined looking seam it is worth the time.

The methodical process of this join gives a chain stitch appearance on the top and a running stitch on the back. Use a contrasting color for an added detail, or use the same color as your panels for a stitch that blends in and works with the other crochet stitches.

Below you will see a video of how to make this join by slip stitching through the back loops. You can also see how working through the front loops will give a slightly different effect. You can see more about it below and how each look.

Below is a photo tutorial of how to make this join through the front loops:

With a slip knot on hook, lay panels flat with the sides to be joined next to each other.

Insert hook into the top most loop on the left side, going in from the top towards the bottom.

Insert hook on the top most loop on the right side, going in from the top towards the bottom again.

Slip stitch through all three loops on the hook.

Continue working up, inserting the hook in the next loop on the left, then the next loop on the right.  

When you get to the end bind off and weave in ends.

Below are the patterns we have used this join on. Click on the image below to see more about these free patterns.

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